Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Mutual Funds

Category: Finance.

The acronym for a real estate investment trust is a REIT.

There are over 900 REITS that are privately held companies. According to the National Institute of Real Estate Investment Trusts 190 Re Its are currently registered with the SEC and trade on one or more of the New York Stock Exchanges. It should also be remembered that REITs are available for nearly all of the world real estate markets. There is stability in these parts of the world for some hefty returns for investors. In many parts of the world, Asia, China, Europe and Dubai the real estate market in both commercial and residential income property is sizzling. The overall purpose of the REIT envisioned by the U. Congress was to provide a means for investors and in turn the developers of real estate to mutually benefit from growth.

It places the average investor in a position of being a big player with the benefit of a share of the profits. Each investment dollar goes into enhancing or creating the availability of funds for building realty. A small investment in a REIT can enhance a portfolio of stocks and bonds. The mutual funds. Generally speaking it is a means by which the average pay check earner may enter the stock market. A Mutual Fund is a collection of stocks and other investments that are packaged by an investment company.

Some Mutual Funds require only a$ 1, 000 initial investment and a small number of Mutual Funds may be purchased with as low as an initial$ 250 initial investment. Generally these funds are offered by state and municipal entities. Certain Mutual Funds are no- load funds. It means the fund does not charge a fee to invest and is exempt to some taxes. This knowledge is essential before you commit a single dime to a Mutual Fund. There may be other charges for handling your Mutual Funds and charges if you decide to withdraw funds or move your investment elsewhere.

As with the stock exchanges Mutual Funds investing allows the investor to determine their risk level. The investor determines the choice of investment by his or her objective. There are municipal bonds funds, growth funds, blue chips funds, Asian Funds, Emerging Markets and combinations in between. For some it is for retirement, others income and tax consequences. Mutual funds can be one of the best investments, but you have to make sure you deeply investigate on the return in investment. The range of risk is provided by most Mutual Fund investment companies.


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Unknown said...

There are multiple great ways to invest money depending on where you are in life, what your tolerance for risk is, and how quickly you need to see a return on your investment. There is the best way to invest money for each person but there is no best way to invest money for everyone.

Anonymous said...

How bonds work?
A bond is essentially a loan an investor makes to the bonds' issuer. The investor generally receives regular interest payments on the loan until the bond matures or is called, at which point the issuer repays you the principal. Certain bonds have special provisions. Bond funds pool money from many investors to buy individual bonds that meet the fund's investment objective.